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The eternal liandry message repository Empty The eternal liandry message repository

Post  liandry Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:10 pm

I hope I posted this in the right section.

In-game broadcasts and messages on AWBW are ethereal; games disappear after a while, and there can only be so many messages in the inbox.
This thread is a project to save the memorable ones, those that made my AWBW experience one that will always be in my memory (except for death and Alzheimer's but fck those).

Each of my replies here represent a single concluded conversation. I hope you can find some useful things in the stuff I treasured.

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The eternal liandry message repository Empty Re: The eternal liandry message repository

Post  liandry Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:15 pm

A message in reply to my asking for tips, from Everdan, after I got absolutely rekt as VB by his Javier

"GGWP. You're actually a pretty decent player as it is. You seem to have all the basics
down - things like capture order, formation, attack order - and I think you could get
much better with more time and practice.

I'll just give you some general thoughts I had while playing.

First, CO choice. Javier vs VB is always an interesting matchup, and to play it well you
need to understand when you can be aggressive and when you can't.

Day to day, VB can play more aggressively and take full advantage of his extra
firepower, especially before Javier captures the com tower. To that end your early tank
harass was nice, especially since I screwed up the capture phase and didn't manage
to make the first tank.

Javier on the other hand generally has an advantage in the mid-game and late-game,
because of his extra defense against indirect fire. This is especially pronounced on
Shangri-La because of the chokepoints that make indirects especially good. Javier can
usually make good use of his COP to attack and retreat later with few losses - the
moments leading up to his COP are when the VB player has to adopt a tighter, more
defensive formation.

That said, VB's super power is very threatening in the late-game, as it can break
formations by itself, and Javier will need to arrange his units carefully to mitigate the
damage. The threat is sometimes stronger than the execution, here.

Second, the actual game. I thought you played the opening quite well. Apart from the
random mechs (which ended up never attacking) your capture order was quite close
to optimal.

I have to question the early arties though - your arty in the southwest was pinned down
for a long time by my arty. And because you built an arty instead of a tank, my lone
arty was able to zone you out of that entire area for many turns, during which you
couldn't capture the city there.

In general, try to build as few arties as possible vs Javier, because they are a liability
when he attacks under COP. (Javier under COP has base 70% defense against
indirect fire. If he's on plains, forests or cities the defense goes up even more.)

The biggest piece of advice I have for you is to familiarise yourself with the rules of
engagement. There are multiple factors you should consider when deciding whether to
engage - this also applies to whether your enemy will engage.

Day 9 was the turn I attacked. Unit count shows that I had around 6 units in the vicinity
on that turn, while you had 5. We both had the same sustain on that front - you could
build 2 tanks per turn, while I built a copter and a tank per turn.

I knew, if I attacked, that it would probably be a rather long brawl - neither of us having
the firepower to finish the fight decisively for a few turns. I decided to attack because I
could muster troops around that area more quickly than you could, and I had
surrounding infantries which could get there a few turns later and help make my
formation. Moreover, my troop composition was better - copters mixed with tanks,
while you only had land troops, forcing you to build anti-airs and reducing your tank
count. The artillery on the city provided excellent fire support, sniping one of your units
every turn. I noted that I had sucessfully obtained an economic advantage in the
opening phase of the game, and so would have more funds to ramp up production. And
lastly, brawling would charge my COP, which would sooner or later allow me to
decisively end the fight and come off with an advantage.

By day 12 I had superiority in both vehicle count and infantry count. To your credit,
however, you did manage to capture all the contested cities save one, but I don't think
this would have seriously helped you recover at that point, since I had more than
enough force to take back a city of my own.

TBH I think you could have played a little longer to try and make something of your SP.
It's true that you were already in a bad situation, but if it had been a league match I
probably would have struggled on as VB a few more turns before calling it quits.

Anyway that's all. Hope you enjoyed our game, because I sure did Smile"

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Post  liandry Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:18 pm

When I asked Everdan on what to do when losing:

"Falling back is usually a good idea when you can't win a fight. You should try to cut
your losses in such a scenario. All units that you can't trade for a higher value unit
should retreat.

The problem you had on the left was that you had way too few infantries to defend -
normally, infantries are the chaff you use to strengthen your formation, wasting
valuable enemy vehicle attacks and denying critical attacking space. What I think you
should have done was try to bring your southwest forces over to the left side to defend
while retreating."

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Post  liandry Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:24 pm

I asked Xmo5 on just what exactly those map categories mean.

"(me)How do maps get a category, especially ones like S/A/B-ranked,
New, Casual Play, etc?

(Xmo5)Map Committee members add maps to categories at their
(our) sole
discretion. Senior MC members can make and delete categories as well.

(me)What characteristics should a map have to fall into S/A-ranked
(apparently there is no B rank)/
New/Casual Play/Under Review?

(Xmo5)S-Rank: Nearly perfectly balanced with excellent gameplay and a lot of
strategy options. Never a boring game and never the same game twice.
High level play.

A-Rank: Like S, but not quite as good in at least one area. Same
general qualities though.

Casual Play: "B-Rank". Good, but not A-Rank good. Won't see
competitive play but is a decent map in the sense that there aren't
any significant balance issues. Playable and balanced, but not
necessarily with great gameplay.

New: Newly published maps that could theoretically fall into A or S...
sometimes Casual play. Need to be more thoroughly evaluated before
getting a more permanent category. Consider it the MC to-do list, part 1.

Under Review: Maps that might be reevaluated later as being better or
worse than originally planned. Can be a result of hasty or poor
categorization or change in AWBW meta. Imagine an S rank that isn't as
good on a second glance. It goes into this category for further
analysis. Consider it the MC to-do list, part 2. "

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The eternal liandry message repository Empty Re: The eternal liandry message repository

Post  liandry Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:29 pm

"Sir Everdan why am I always short of infantry huhu how to enough infs nao"

"The first way to solve the problem is to try to preserve your infantries! xD You'll notice
that I was constantly able to whittle away at your infantry count throughout the game.
It's not much, but it adds up over time.

The second way is to gather infantries from elsewhere to provide support. In this
game you had a lot of infantries at the southeast, but they weren't really doing much. I
made a slow, orderly retreat while my northwestern forces attacked.

The last way is to build more copters. Building a copter instead of a tank frees up an
additional base to produce infantry. I do feel you didn't have enough of these,
especially on a map where air units are so powerful. The downside however is that
you usually end up with fewer vehicles than your opponent because copters cost

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The eternal liandry message repository Empty Re: The eternal liandry message repository

Post  liandry Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:33 pm

excrimophalus on Hawke is teh OP
He gave me some tips tho

"If you are interested here is my two cents on the game we just
played. You
started off the early capture phase by rushing some contested properties.
Although this is largely a matter of preference and is sometimes dependent
on the map, I generally prefer to capture the closest cities first and take
advantage of the additional funding. Usually, this case being no exception,
this will not result in losing the contested cities battle. However, this definitely
did not cost you in a major way this game.

One thing I considered to be more significant was the positioning of your
early tanks. You chose to place them relatively passively rather than putting
more pressure on me to cover my infantry by taking advantage of their full
movement. This also allowed me to aggressively place my tanks in the middle
of the map, a powerful position covering a lot of contested territory and
separating your two fronts.

I also would have went to the copters quicker. I think I may have made a
mistake by not rushing to capture my airport, you could have had a copter out
before I could counter with one, forcing me to build an early anti-air.

Also of note was CO choice. I think it was a fair co match, certain winnable for
either side. However, my personal preference is certainly towards Hawke
over Javier, even with one tower. In my opinion, his slightly weaker d2d is
more than made up for by a much stronger SCOP. Additionally, Javiers strong
indirect defense could be largely nerfed by sticking with copters and tanks.


Thanks for the game, it has been a while. Let me know if you would like to
play another or work on strategy. "

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The eternal liandry message repository Empty Re: The eternal liandry message repository

Post  liandry Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:37 pm

Why I know teh excrimophalus Hawke is OP:

"(him) I see you are ranked number 1 in the league.

I am returning from about a four year absence from awbw. But I should let you know
my name struck fear into many back in the day. I am looking for a challenge in my first
game back. Let me know if you are game.

(me) I'm always up for a game. Smile
I'll just let you know that I got this spot through... serendipitous means [ty darkenigma and TRANLord lmaoo] haha; I may or
may not be the challenge you expect me to be. Let's just say I'm not too bad myself.
Tell me the details, I'll join. "

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The eternal liandry message repository Empty Re: The eternal liandry message repository

Post  liandry Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:45 pm

So I got rekt by excrimophalus, and I also got rekt by Everdan. In that order.

It makes sense to pit the two of them against the other. Flawless logic really.

Check out the excrimophalus thread in AWBW Competitive about this, by the way.

I do recall excrimophalus was somehow losing as teh Hawke against Everdan on Lash in Aria of War.

After getting stunned for like, five seconds, I decided to ask Everdan why and how and did excrimophalus made mistakes somehow.

The reply:

"Well, yes and no. (Warning: very long wall of text incoming. Sorry for making you read
all this haha. The tl;dr version is yes, he did make a lot of mistakes.)

I think of battle strategy as having four levels. Tactics, logistics, strategy, and grand
strategy. Each operates on a higher level and is thus more abstract than the previous.
These four aspects are inextricably interlinked - what is tactically possible determines
what logistical issues you consider, and the grand strategy you pursue directs which
strategical goals you pursue.

The lowest and most detail-oriented is tactics. Should I attack this turn, or is it
premature? How many units can I destroy and how many will I lose? Is my formation
solid, or can it be broken somehow? Can a lone arty and a few infantries hold the fort
against his tanks? These are the kinds of problems that you aim to solve in the first
level of battle strategy.

The most common mistake I have noticed from him is a lack of tactical awareness - he
blunders units or engages in fights he can't win, netting me a small advantage each
time it happens. Losing a couple infantry here and there is a relatively minor thing that
is unlikely to alter the course of the game by itself, but still, it adds up. This happens
several times throughout the game. The most major occurences are on Day 14, where
I destroyed his rocket, Day 17, where he launched a possibly unsound attack, and
Day 19, where he sacrificed several units for no apparent reason other than charging
his power meter. All his vehicles got sniped down by my city-boosted rockets. Day 24,
where he lost his bomber for no reason, and Day 25, where he passed up the chance
to hit my vulnerable rocket. All these mistakes contributed to me eventually amassing
an advantage in unit count.

The second level of battle strategy is logistics. Is my army composition able to
effectively deal with his? Am I weak to a certain unit type? Conversely, is the enemy's
army composition lacking in some way (e.g. not enough anti-air)? Logistics also
covers positioning - where should I place my units to maximise their effectiveness? If
you're fighting on multiple fronts, which units should be sent to which fronts?

The second most common mistake I have noticed from him is in this department.
Throughout the game I have produced several air units, many of which were able to
get off multiple free shots or blockade key squares because he did not have enough
anti-air units in the right place at the right time. There are too many examples to list
them all - you can see this for yourself on Day 17 (my copters formed a wall to shield
my tanks), Day 21 (I hit a couple infs for free), Day 23 (my copters formed an integral
part of my formation), and the list goes on.

In terms of unit positioning, you'll notice that around Day 23 the bulk of my forces were
on the northern front pressuring his lone base. Half his army was sitting down by his
HQ doing absolutely nothing, giving me a sizable local superiority in force, which I used
to trade favourably and cap his tower. The exact same thing happens on Day 28 - he
tries to advance on the bottom front, while all his vehicles are at the top still doing
nothing. This gives me a significant advantage there, which I use to quickly advance
forward and split his army in half.

The third level is strategy - what playstyle does the map suit? A defensive one, with
lots of turtling, or an all-out brawl? Maps where properties are less contestable (such
as this one) strongly favour a defensive, turtling playstyle where you try to get an
economic advantage and slowly grind out a win. Obviously, CO choice (subject to
bans) matters a lot here.

This is probably where I made the biggest mistake. In choosing Lash, who favours all-
out brawling, I misread the map. His pick of Hawke, whose SCOP comes in very
handy in long drawn-out games, was much better than mine. In my defense though, we
were playing on top tier, and because he banned VB we were basically facing a rock-
paper-scissors situation. Javier beats Sasha, because she can't stop his COPs, who
beats Hawke because she controls his COPs, who in turn can beat Javier by
preventing him from capping a tower in the early game.

In my defense, though, the heavy central terrain is highly suitable for Lash, and so
while she's not a top-tier pick on this map, she's better than usual.

Okay so I knew I screwed up once I saw the CO matchup - Lash vs Hawke is always
an uphill battle for Lash, and Lash can't win this matchup on most maps, because
Hawke can turtle endlessly and grind out an economic advantage. But I played to
Lash's strengths, using her powerful rockets to assert zone control and using the
move bonuses from her powers to threaten the enemy's formations. Whereas he
deviated from the turtling strategy several times, trying to launch attacks, and was
soundly punished each time he tried.

The last and highest level is grand strategy - the long term goals and objectives you
pursue. This is the most abstract level, and one of the most dependent on judgment
calls. Everything in the lower three levels revolves around the goals you choose, and
at the same time your choice of goal is determined by the tactical, logistical and
strategic realities of the game.

My goals in this game have changed several times as circumstances changed. First it
was locking down his tower. On Day 12, when he produced a rocket on the top, I knew
it was over, because he would just outrange me and slowly push me back. So that
ended, and the new goal became zone control over the centre, to deny him mobility
and force him to retreat, which would in turn expose weaknesses somewhere. As you
can see, this was achieved by Day 16. He was forced to retreat for various tactical
and logistical reasons, exposing a vulnerable tower at the top. So capping that became
the new goal. This was promptly abandoned on Day 17 when he attacked me
(prematurely) - the goal then became coming out on top in the fight. This was achieved
by day 20, at which point the goal once again became capping his tower on top, with a
secondary goal of locking down his northern base long enough to safely cap the tower.
This was achieved by Day 25. At that point the goal became holding on to both towers
while I built up a decent fighting force. Day 26 saw him hand me an unexpected gift by
letting me safely cap his city, at which point I switched back to the original objective of
controlling the centre to hold on to both the tower and the city. And finally, Day 28 to the
present is me exploiting his split forces to decisively press home the advantage in the

That takes care of the "yes" part. The "no" part is because I feel that, while his plays
were dubious or suboptimal at certain points, they weren't really "mistakes" per se -
just opportunities not seized or fully capitalised on. Sometimes it came down to a
judgment call - was his Md Tank worth more as a tank, or as two extra bars in his
power meter? I won't call these mistakes - he would probably beat most League
players in a match - but I will say he still has room to improve, just like you and me.

Okay so that's the end of the wall of text... thanks if you read it all. Smile"

By the way, Everdan is working on a guide based on this; I assume this is for macro-level play. I'll check it out sometime, how 'bout you?

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The eternal liandry message repository Empty Re: The eternal liandry message repository

Post  liandry Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:51 pm

Everdan (he's an important person in my life, I know, I know) urged me to make my own analysis of his game versus excrimophalus "to improve my judgment calls." Days 5 to 16 are probably lost to the winds or waves or something. #sadlife

"(me) day 17: more infantry being built. another rocket top. can't build tanks vs wall of
infs, no? I'd
wonder what the Md tank's for: if that AA is too scared, maybe more copters should be
built. I
also don't get why PL's attack here was immature: it broke into the arties, then
somehow TG's
tanks were (maybe at least locally) outnumbered, and that counter Md tanks was
closer to the
day 18: I sorta get it now. but there's a way: KO the 7hp inf below the TG rocket, hit the
move infs and arties in, hit copter with damaged AA, start trading tanks, move the Md
in, then
spam copters and tanks top. PL's actual move was a blunder though.
day 19: RIP that valiant arty trying to snipe out the rocket. I really think this is over
now. TG
rockets had a field day hitting heavy vehicles. PL's further push at this point was the
attack imo. Also totally did not get the point of the bomber at all, considering that there
are infs
and AA afoot.
day 20: I see why it lasted. No cities were gained that day.
day 22: no one's noticing the bottom side. I think PL's gravest error was that he did not
advantage of the 2v1 base stuff down south and tried to salvage the north too much,
giving TG
much more options for maneuvers. He should maybe let the tower go, it's Hawke he
picked, not
gonna hurt too much.
day 23: is it really bad to defend with just tanks? I think this was a forced error. Good
locking the PL base down, I think that was decisive enough for me to stop?

(Everdan) Nice.

I agree with you on most points, but a few things. I did say his attack around day 17
was "premature" - well, it might not have been unsound, objectively speaking, but I felt
he just threw away a lot of tanks for no reason. Then again he couldn't really afford to
wait another turn since I'd already started capping his tower up top. My thought
process here was to goad him into starting a fight in the centre (which I felt I could win,
since I had a good formation and he didn't have any way to do real damage on the first
turn of attack.)

On Day 18, he had no way to continue the southern attack. His rocket couldn't move
far enough to be useful, and his two arties had no way of safely targeting my rocket.
Copter attacks my rocket = I have an extra copter to blockade. Infantry attacks my
rocket = damage can be healed off. Arties try to sneak into rocket's blind spot = rocket
moves away (to free attacking space) and tanks cripple those arties. Remember, I had
two tanks and some spare infantries hanging around the bottom to clear away the
infantry crowds.

Had he done what you suggested, I would have seized the chance to swing the
hammer down and crush his vehicle-less mass of infantry, and use my own infantry to
block off his northern force. That is why I always advise against letting your forces be
split, and why splitting the enemy force is so good. You can easily shuffle your units
around to counter each force separately, and there is nothing he can do about it.

The defensive bomber was actually a nice play - it prevented me from aggressively
going for his throat at the top while he regrouped. Since a lone AA doesn't KO the
bomber, and I only had one AA, and his meter was almost back up to full again, me
attacking it once would have been a bit of a waste. He'd get a full meter, fire off another
SP (while I was still recovering from the previous one) and shut down all further plans
by me for the next few turns. Meanwhile the health lost by his bomber would gradually
regenerate over successive SPs. If he'd used it properly would have been a long-term
asset for its wallbreaking power and immunity to rockets. Sadly this wasn't the case as
he let it die a few turns later.

Anyway not a lot came of my attack in the north. I was hoping to cap a city as well, but
ended up with just the tower. You should just click through the rest of the turns, but it's
alright if you don't wanna write any more xD goodness knows I've made you write
enough for now."

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The eternal liandry message repository Empty Re: The eternal liandry message repository

Post  liandry Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:55 pm

Same game referred to as last post, but this time whyth did Everdan have recons and fighters now.

"the recons were built for a few reasons
(1) they will be useful in maintaining my formation. Unlike my infantries, his infantries
won't scratch them and like my tanks, they can absorb two tank attacks on favourable
terrain, forcing him to waste vehicle attacks on them. Basically they're cheaper tanks.
(2) they will enjoy their full 8 movement on my SCOP, possibly allowing me to break
through to his arties on my SCOP turn.
(3) most importantly, he has a shortage of tanks relative to infantries and can't afford to
let any more of his tanks die.

the pre-emptive fighter is because I'm already in a highly advantageous position, and
the only way he can recover is to churn out air units from the top. (You'll notice he's
already saving for another bomber) The fighter will discourage that, or prove its value
if he does decide to go on with it anyway. It's basically preparation for the worst
possible situation."

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The eternal liandry message repository Empty Re: The eternal liandry message repository

Post  liandry Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:01 pm

So I joined the AWBW Bamboozle Unofficial Tournament (I think I'm winning the first round, nice!)

I saw lvjd1828 as Kindle destroy the Airwalker Sami on Credens Justitiam. With a goddamn recon spam. I am seriousness.

Guess the next sentence.

(I asked Everdan. Again. On how to pick the first vehicle in a game.)

"Generally it depends on the map as well as on CO choice, and a little bit on capture
phase choices.

Recons are good when the terrain enables them to outspeed tanks. Especially so
when the opponent tries to rush too far out, delaying his early vehicles and exposing
vulnerable infs.

Arties are good for chokey maps or if you're playing a more defensive playstyle and
want to zone him out of a city.

AAs should only ever be built first on maps with strong airports and you need a pre-
emptive AA to deny the enemy copters. And then only if the enemy doesn't have a
tank yet.

On this map, the central terrain is highly suitable for recons, which will enjoy their full 8
move points. The CO matchup also favours recons by Kindle since without them,
Sami is free to pursue an aggressive capture phase and gain an economic advantage
from the outset. As Sami usually produces fewer tanks and more mechs/arties/infs, all
of which recons can deal with, recons are made even better.

You can witness the success of Kindle's recon harass strategy. Sami failed to respond
appropriately by building tanks to defend her infs and so lost the game at a logistical

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The eternal liandry message repository Empty Re: The eternal liandry message repository

Post  liandry Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:08 pm

Some "GL is as broken as Kanbei" talk, and a reminder that Xmo5 and I are people too. (Probably cute ones, at that. I can look like Mei-Lin Zhou if I wanted to.)

"(me) How fares the GL and boots?

If you talk to amarriner again, I request you also ask to add more
space for messages (make it
I've archived lots of convos with Jackie here, don't wanna delete.

(Xmo5) I was actually going to send him another follow up email
today, but I
haven't heard anything since my last message to him.

I'm with you on messages, but that's pretty far down the list of
importance. My message box is perpetually >80% full because of
conversations I've saved. I even have a message saved from Fungi127
from 1/2/09 because he was the first person to give me helpful
feedback on a map and I really appreciated that.

I also have this bad boy from a month later from "alwayswin":

"i will make you a propoistion i on the mission my revenge

i want you to broadcast that you are a spineless weasel and that im
way better than you guys and that you stink at this game and i will not
go even easy mode i will go like super easy mode on you and you will
win and than they will see you as a hero so i will be waiting for the
broadcast for 2 game days i hope you make the right decision and just
to let you know destroyer123 kept on bragging about how good you are
at this game it was annoying well later i hope you say yes later "

Keep in mind that I only joined like 3 months prior to this and nobody
actually knew who I was because I didn't participate in the
community... So I have no idea how "destroyer123" thought I was good
at this game or why he would brag about me. He wouldn't have known me,
plus I wasn't even good... even almost 8 years later, I'm still only a
mediocre competitive player lol

I actually have more saved messages from you than anyone else right
now at 7 (8 now) because I keep recent or open conversations saved
until they're old or resolved and we have a few different messages
back and forth about wiki editing. Walker has the next most at 4,
followed by Jackie at 2, but mostly because we text or skype anymore
these days, though he's cut off from civilization for the time being.

Well, now that I've bored you to death...

(me) Me, I have lotsa messages about music recommendations from Jackie
(around 8 too), some
messages RE wiki stuff (which I'll get to when the tourney is over at
the max), and some really
helpful strategy discussions with Everdan.
When I get bored of competitive AWBW, I'll have to ask you to take me
as a mapmaking student

I've also had my fair share of challenges:
from excrimophalus (you know this guy?):
"I see you are ranked number 1 in the league.

I am returning from about a four year absence from awbw. But I should
let you know
name struck fear into many back in the day. I am looking for a
challenge in my first
back. Let me know if you are game."
wtf everyone else got booted, and he thought I was the best. That was
shattered after a while.

(Xmo5) I always(win) love messages like that. Smile "

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The eternal liandry message repository Empty Re: The eternal liandry message repository

Post  liandry Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:14 pm

I won a game vs napolean on Locked and Loaded, and I tried to analyse it: (I failed, also I never thought Sami could lose a GL game from the start, much less a tournament map)

"(me) this one: (insert game link here, I'm not a goddamned bot, whyyyyyyyy)
I'm going to write an abridged version. Here goes.

Day 5 he built a bboat. I make lotsa vehicles in return. I think the bboat is a noobtrap,
in the early game: 1 tower and 1k extra income for 7.5k investment isn't worth imo.
Day 7 I was a tank and two arties up. Since his vehicles were late I can setup
positions. I feel
like Sami was a bad choice since her mechs are nigh-useless unless deployed in
Day 10 he entered an unfavorable trade with tanks up north, while he put lots of infs
within arty
range in the middle. The only thing going for him is that he has pretty good control of
the south;
I was unable to get my own tower, while he has two. He can easily trade with my units
He tried (too hard?) to capitalize on this by building a rocket. (When is it better to
defend against a threat, or make an equivalent threat somewhere else?)
Day 13 I was able to swarm the middle. What would you do in this situation? He built a
but I tried to push hard against it to prevent it from cloaking. Idk about the mechs
Day 15 wrong place to build the Md tank imo. The boat and the rocket proved to be Ex
fodder, and having the Md tank hit as well is worse.
Day 16 which led to a near HQ cap (I think he resigned)
I think I could have secured my tower better though. I'll analyse a game I lost next time.

(Everdan) Tbh he lost that from day 1. VB almost always beats Sami except on very specific
maps where the HQs are vulnerable or can be rushed. Even then it's not an instant
loss for VB.

I notice you like to delay your first vehicle by a turn - why is that? It's almost never
worth doing so unless you get to significantly speed up your capture phase, because
earlier vehicles get into position faster and are for a short while unopposed, allowing
you to harass their infantries.

Whenever my opponent overcommits funds in one place, I usually pull away from
attacking that place and attack a less well-defended place. This is basic logistics -
attack where you're strong, and your enemy is weak. Conversely, avoid places where
your enemy is strong. In this particular instance it worked because you had numerical
superiority, to the point where his stealth didn't matter (because as strong as it is it only
gets one shot per turn) but I feel you shouldn't have exposed both your AAs like that
since you were relying on them to counter his air units.

If I had been in that position and I'd determined that attacking wasn't favourable, I would
just have swung my northern force down, using formation to prevent his stealth from
attacking anything but infantry while preparing for my own attack."

I think I somehow bragged a lot there. Sorry, sorry sorry sorry.

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The eternal liandry message repository Empty Re: The eternal liandry message repository

Post  liandry Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:25 pm

That bragging cannot be defended, but I feel like it can be explained.

I joined the Bamboozle tournament, picked Javier1T for the first round. And faced the ichbinsehselber Sami.

I was doing fine for almost the entire game, two tanks and 2k income advantage for ~7 infs is fine by me. Then Victory March happened.

I still had my two vehicle lead, but guess how much funds I'm now down.

6goddamnK. I had to write Bamboozle about that.

"(me) (gamelinkwhatever) Sami is never Mid Tier imo. [yes the tourney is supposed to be on Mid Tier, but then again, I'd argue that Sami is actually High Tier on Credens Justitiam because the mechs just take two days to get to front]

(Bamboozle) Yeah I feel like she's pretty strong for Mid Tier but I wanted to keep the selection
of COs fairly liberal. As it looks from your game Sami just spammed tons of
mechs and infs for her SCOP, got properties but can't hold them and is now
facing a unit deficit. It's a gamble and sometimes it pays off yknow

(me) My primary complaint about that is that you could be playing well all game but
then suddenly
you're down 6k funds for two days and I think that's too strong of a comeback

To quote Rito Gems, "there's little counterplay to that." [Bamboozle and I have played League of Legends, which is made by Rito Gems kappa]

(Bamboozle) Oh yea, her SCOP is some bullshit, but I felt she also had certain downsides that
wouldn't make it a complete stomp. Namely in her d2d etc. But yes, she's one of
the more shitty designs and she goes insane on certain maps. In hindsight I just
applied the tier list straight up, guess I should review it on the basis of specific

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The eternal liandry message repository Empty Re: The eternal liandry message repository

Post  liandry Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:41 pm

Jackie (Milton) is love, Jackie is life...

"(J) Would you mind doing a playtest on my new map

Hopefully I can get someone to point out the flaws. Unfortunately, I
won't be able to participate in the testing because I am no internet
for >/= 6 weeks on the 30th.

I don't mean to ask you to do my dirty work, but seeing as you
maintain a lot of games simultaneously, added to the fact that you are
a very knowledgeable player, I hoped you could help.

(p.s. thank you for updating the wiki so prolifically; it's a good
resource when it has accurate info.)

(I'm named Sonia so "S") RE: wiki, it's not as accurate and formal as Xmo5 and I would like it
to be, so he's brought in
some (more, like freaking Everdan and Mori) high-elo friends to
factcheck. Don't take the wiki
as Word of God, at least not yet, heehee.

Sure thing about the playtests mate. Feels like there're not enough
active games fo' me.
Just want to ask though: what's the matter with your internetz?

(J) Re: Re: That's good; that was my main critique about the edits were
the informal tone, but regardless, it's good to have someone put forth
an effort. I'm responsible for most of the prior edits (those in the
last year), namely the "Colin rant" Razz

Well, I have goddamn frontier internet where you have to turn a crank
to get it flowing, but that's completely unrelated. No, I'll be at the
initial training for a military academy, and my contact with the
outside world will be ~2, maybe 3.

(S) I'll just wish you luck. Oh, and don't die.

(J) Eh, thanks? I'll try, lol. "Reasonable Levels of Fuq Integrity" "

You shall be missed, Jackie Milton. (HE DIDN'T DIE NOT YET BUT I MISS HIM)

Erm, I have a girlfriend, for those who want to "know me better," or at least those who are being suspicious about me and any other person named in this thread.

She's named Clare. She's like a cat, but better.

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The eternal liandry message repository Empty Re: The eternal liandry message repository

Post  Xmo5 Thu Jul 28, 2016 4:17 pm

This was a lot of fun to read. Also, freaking Everdan (and Mori) is right. That kid is a freaking gameplay dissecting machine! (In a good way!!) It's commentary like this that makes me say I'm "still only a mediocre competitive player lol". Also, this is why Everdan is writing the gameplay guide(s) and not me. I would say things like:

Xmo5 wrote:Herp-de-derpsy-duurrrr yarr dun build moar coptars er yer gun die 'n stuffs. That thars 'n AA and dun kill 'em dedd tho, so luk out. Oh, 'n dem stealth r all sneaky n yeh ain't gun dun seen 'em comin, like, so hit 'em reel guud. psyduck psyduck psyduck


Everdan wrote:In this particular instance it worked because you had numerical superiority, to the point where his stealth didn't matter (because as strong as it is it only gets one shot per turn) but I feel you shouldn't have exposed both your AAs like that since you were relying on them to counter his air units.

Guess which one gets the gold star? Razz

But seriously though, that's a lot of Grade-A commentary and it was cool to read.
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