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Domain Name 2018-2019

Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:42 pm by Best Sakuya NA

I've renewed the Domain Name and I've paid for ads to not appear for members of the forum. This cost me a lot of money (for me), but I'm going to keep this site going for at least one more year. I might not be able to do this next year, depending on my financial situation. Will keep you all posted, but this site will be up until at least November 21st 2019 now.

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Domain name also i'm alive

Sat Nov 19, 2016 12:42 am by Best Sakuya NA

Hey people, I haven't made a post in months, but I dropped by to see how everything is surviving. Also I renewed the domain of the site for another year, almost missed the deadline, apparently we only had 2 days left. Sorry I've been so busy, game development has eaten up most of my free time, but that's just making excuses.

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Update (August 8th)

Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:52 pm by Best Sakuya NA

I removed that Google Maps "Who is Online?" thing for all users, including admins. Some people were asking to remove it and it seemed like a pretty reasonable thing to remove. Not sure why it was even there originally.

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updates forever yaaaaay

Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:19 am by Best Sakuya NA

Thinking about adding subsections on the forum for other card games, such as MTG and Hearthstone. Is there significant interest here for those sections? It's pretty easy to make if so. The primary focus of the site will still be AWBW and Duelyst, but there's plenty of room in here for more games.

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More website redesign updates

Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:59 pm by Best Sakuya NA

Been working heavily on the site rework, hopefully you're all getting redirected to the new URL properly. The current layout is getting closer to what I'm envisioning for how the site will work, with the Index being the forum proper, and the Portal being a chatbox + Discord combination where people can easily connect to my Discord chat, and in the future, hopefully the Duelyst Official chat as …

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Best Sakuya NA website redesign

Sat Nov 21, 2015 1:25 am by Best Sakuya NA

This website is getting a major overhaul over the next week. Our new domain name will be TakeYourTurn.net, and has already been purchased. Expect the change to go through over the course of the next 5 business days.

Currently, the site will be retooled for 2 primary games:

Advance Wars by Web

Most of the rest of the content will be organized into a third "other" section, …

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Site changes, GL rotation

Mon Sep 28, 2015 3:16 am by Best Sakuya NA

Did some small changes to Global League, and I also added a Discord chat link on the left hand side of the site, along with a bunch of other small tools. Feel free to check that out, it's an easy way to contact me or just hang out with other forum members. More changes to Global League coming over the next week or so.

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I'm still alive

Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:16 am by Best Sakuya NA

I'm still alive. AWBW map rotations, tournaments, and forum updates in the near future. Very sick but beer and nyquil are helping. More info over the next 7 days or so.

Thank you so much, all of you that are still making AWBW content. Things have been busy. But I'm back for a while now.

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Quality of Life Forum Updates Part 7

Mon May 25, 2015 11:54 am by Best Sakuya NA

Added the new AW related posting ranks, as shown next to your name. Will likely make this larger and a bit more clear in the future. As a sidenote, I know a lot of you are sending me PMs or emails. If I didn't respond, it's probably due to being way too busy from too many jobs, but rest assured that I read everything that you send me. I'm not excusing me not responding to stuff of course, just …

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