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Post  dpsi Fri Feb 19, 2021 3:03 pm

Author is Jokas, reposted here for easy reference. I made a few edits to correct for typos.
Olaf Guide

Here I will present the basic strategies and tactics that allow you to play Olaf better, in std and in HF. I will start with a skills analysis and then give advice dealing first with the STRATEGIC aspect and finally with the TACTICAL aspect. Finally I would conclude by offering two techniques that are specific to me, but that I share, to help you better understand yours.

Skills analysis:

Passive: "Unaffected by snow, but rain affects him the same as snow would for others." Olaf has no modification on its units. This means that he does not have a stronger unit than his opponent, unless the latter has penalties on some of his own, and we will see that it is still often the case, which makes him a character balanced that can play both aerial and on the ground or from a distance or on contact. He also has the ability to ignore snow, and all that it implies, and this is quite normal to allow his COP / SCOP to be effective for himself. Beware of the rain which could annoy him, but to date, only one Commander allows to create the rain and he is generally not aligned against Olaf.

COP: "Changes the weather to Snow for 1 day." Mainly, tell yourself that apart from bridges and roads, all units will see their movement reduced by half, rounded down, during snow. So the infantry will have 1 movement (!!!) and a tank or helicopter will have 3. Therefore, don't underestimate this COP! Snow is an incredible tactical weapon and can really turn the situation around to your advantage if used wisely. We will see the situations allowing to use it, but do not forget that its SCOP does, in any case, the same thing and that therefore the COP of Olaf remains ultra utility and will be used only very rarely.

SCOP: "Enemy units lose 2HP (to a minimum of 0.1HP), and the weather changes to Snow for 1 day." Here we get to the heart of the matter! So first you have to understand that it is this SCOP that makes Olaf a T2 character (in standart), even if I personally think that he can sometimes compete against T1 characters on certain maps. It has the same effect as its COP but with a "little extra trick" (joke) which instantly allows Olaf to have + 20% in unit value compared to its opponent. Indeed, each unit losing 2 hp, this decreases their value by 20%. And since the SCOP does not make any distinction, this produces the announced result. No privileged! But beware, there are other COmmanders with area damage, but that of Olaf is simply the BEST SCOP OUT OF BROKEN OF THE GAME! (I will not explain in detail why I consider it better than that of Eagle, because in fact it is not so simple and that of Eagle is unclassifiable if we consider it only in terms of power. But overall that of Eagle is more difficult to use and costs more, see the guide on Eagle for more details). The main reason is the area damage + snow combo. Yes, snow! Again it! It is it which makes everything work! If you underestimate the importance of snow, it's as if you underestimate the importance of support for League of Legend. Area damage allows Olaf to take advantage and make a moderate breach in the opponent's position (because no bonus move), but the snow helps prevent ANY retaliation from your opponent. So typically you have + 20% in unit value and in addition you freeze your opponent during a round. Indeed, very few are the brave Vikings who successfully counterattacked right after the Winter Fury! Most of the time, it is either a massive withdrawal of the opposing army, or an abandonment. Note that it is because of this terrifying power that, this time, he is considered as a T1 character in HF. It seems obvious that if he can use his SCOP more often or more quickly, Olaf becomes a killing machine with no possible backlash.

General strategic concept:
1) The first thing to note is that, unlike other SCOPs, the Olaf SCOP can be used ANYWHERE during a round. And this is actually a serious advantage! Why ? Well let's imagine that you have Max and that you have just attacked with 3 tanks out of 6 and thus you gain the gauge of power and you can make the SCOP of Max. Yes but ... Yes but you only have 3/6 tanks left! So if you immediately use Max's SCOP (or COP), you will halve its effectiveness since only half of the tanks are affected (except + 10 / + 10 for all units). In addition, by attacking with 3 tanks, you certainly charge your power gauge, but don't forget that you also fill the double for your opponent! And yes ! In Advance War, when you destroy a unit, you gain half the damage inflicted, but when you lose a unit (or hp) you fill up your power meter accordingly. For example if you destroy a tank, you will not have +7000 in your power bar, but only 3500! On the other hand, your opponent will have +7000 in his power gauge. You therefore have a unit advantage but this is offset by the fact that you give more power to your opponent. It is VERY important to have this thing in mind when playing with or against Olaf.
Let's take the example again with Max. If instead, now you have Olaf; you can attack with tanks and use DIRECTLY AFTER your Winter Fury (and don't forget to send a message to your opponent saying "Winter is Coming", the legend says that you have a small bonus of 5% in attack and defense if you do that) and thus lower the unit value of your opponent by 20%, halve the movement of all its units and reduce its funds for the next turn because it will have to repair all the units located on cities or bases / airport . So that means less money to bother you with powerful units. Although this last aspect is the least impacting at high level because your opponent will put aside a certain amount of money to be sure of having enough around or you use your Winter Fury, at lower level this can prove devastating.

In addition, because of all of the above, your opponent's counter attack will be minimal, or even non-existent (still due to snow but also damage to the area, without forgetting the + 10% defense). To give you an idea, a Max tank with 8 hp does only 4 damage on a 10 hp Olaf tank on a plain and during a Olaf SCOP and 5 if it is really lucky. This is what will calm all the valiant Vikings ready to go hunting during the snowstorm!
I will also explain why Winter Fury is not played the same way as Black Storm. The main reason is that Black Storm also heals all units, so it's not always a question of using it immediately. In addition Black Storm does not restrict the opposing movement, which implies a possible counter attack on a place on the map. For example on the side of your solo base.

As you can see, Winter Fury is indeed the ONLY SCOP which allows you to attack completely without being afraid of the enemy's response, and which therefore gives an advantage in terms of "power bar management". I would also add that the fact that your opponent does not counterattack during the Winter Fury round allows Olaf to further widen the gap in terms of filling the power gauge. Indeed, at Advance War, when you use your COP / SCOP, you can no longer continue to fill your power meter! This means that for example you can use your COP, attack, and take a SCOP during the next turn while having emptied your power gauge! But with Olaf, no problem, since after the Winter Fury, the counter attack will be, at best, average for your opponent. And once your slow push / back at home is over, poof! Magic trick, you can charge your power bar again (and your opponent too). You've just won a power gauge refill round, a colossal long-term advantage!

Now that all that has been said, I will reveal something to you:

Secret passive: "Any equal or slightly lower exchanges favor Olaf". Indeed, each time you attack, you charge twice the Olaf power gauge. If you add the fact that he can use Winter Fury WHEN he wants, as soon as he can I can assure you that against a good player Winter Fury will ALWAYS be the first SCOP used if you are not careful to minimize exchanges against its units. And this "secret passive" is a very powerful advantage since it gives Olaf the possibility of making fun of "slightly unfavorable" exchanges and therefore of taking more aggressive positions than other COmmanders could not afford (hi Eagle)

2) We talked a lot about the first Winter Fury, but what about the second? Yes yes, I am serious. If the first Winter Fury does not force your opponent to abandon, perhaps a second will force their hand. So, with almost 30 games of Olaf in GL and many more if not, I have never seen anyone come back after TWO Winter Fury. Do you know why ? Because the Winter Fury is a snowball! Ha ha, isn't it ironic that Winter Fury is snowball? But more seriously, why is it a snowball machine? Well, simply because after the first Winter Fury, your opponent will have a big unit disadvantage, but even if he manages to retreat and regroup (which I always recommend when you play against Olaf, do not try to punish during snow, its a waste of time, especially at high level) and therefore rule 1) is taken into account. He therefore does not have 50 thousand possibilities (unless it is Eagle, this devil of Eagle!) But he will have to fight or lose. Which will further fill Olaf's power gauge. But what I mean is that he will then, the turn after the first Winter Fury, make a big attack and continue until death follows, in order to recover the disadvantage as soon as possible and in particular the cities captured. And we come to the heart of the idea: the continues fight. The more you fight against Olaf, the more you will go to your loss. The only way to win is to destroy his army in ONE TURN! Which is not very easy, you agree (unless it's Eagle, oh wait, I have to stop with that ...). Indeed, beyond 20% of unit value, during a continuous fight it is easier to charge your Winter Fury. In fact, you will see that the second Winter Fury ALWAYS comes much faster than the first! (paradox?).

In addition, if the first Winter Fury achieves only a 20% difference in unit value, the second will produce a deficit of 40%. Yes I know, it doesn't work exactly like that, but let me explain! Once the first Winter Fury is used, the weakened units will retreat and repair themselves. But your opponent will not be able to repair ALL of them, under penalty of not building anything convincing during his turn. He will therefore have to make choices while fighting as said above. As a result, the units that are still in good condition will fight and will therefore disappear, since it is fighting! BUT the "weakened" units will be at home. You don't send a wounded soldier to the front when you're a good general, come on! You understand ? The weakened units will be even more so during the second Winter Fury, while the units capable of fighting will fight, and therefore will also probably be in less good condition. Consequently, the second Winter Fury will be even more deadly than the first.

Even if I have never seen someone come back from two Winter Fury, that does not mean that it is impossible. That said, here is a guide FOR Olaf and not against. So this principle of continuous combat is a strategic weapon that you must have in mind when you play Olaf, to use it as you wish when the situation allows.
=> After the first Winter Fury, NEVER let your opponent heal his wounds, force him to BEAT while weakened and thus chain the Winter Fury until he concedes.
3) The bruising of the infantry. In connection with the previous two strategies, the units that will be most affected by the Winter Fury are obviously the infantry. And this will greatly annoy and annoy your opponent (so much the better, he will have more chance of making mistakes) since infantry is the "nerve of war". Indeed, all infantry will drop to 8 hp after the first Winter Fury, which means that even if your opponent puts all the will in the world to recapture a city that you captured during the retirement phase of Olaf's SCOP, he will put at least 3 rounds ... Do you know what that means? This means that he will have to fight one more round, it means that the fight will continue one more round and if you have followed everything so far that means advantage for Olaf.
With this in mind, do not hesitate to snipe the infantry before, during and after the use of the first Winter Fury. In particular, do not hesitate to sacrifice your own infantry for this purpose or some tank. As long as you don't fall too low in unit value and have more cities than your opponent; priority to the destruction of the infantry.
=> Thus, even if your opponent destroys your tanks, as long as he cannot recapture the cities he will have a deficit and the tanks will continue to return, freshly built. As long as it doesn't recapture the cities, all it will do is help you load a second Winter Fury. So thank him !

I'm not talking about the second Winter Fury which will complete the last remaining Ryan soldier. So your opponent will have to rebuild infantry. But if he builds infantry, he does not build a tank! And yes ! One more point for Olaf in the trench warfare!
=> So never forget, after the first Winter Fury, maximize your income at all rounds and build a maximum of tank and helicopter. Snipe the infantry first, quite to sacrifice tanks, and secure the cities captured during the Winter Fury. When your opponent starts to rebuild infantry especially DO NOT TAKE AN ECO TURN !! Keep spamming tanks and helicopters, it's very important. Don't fall into the trap of stopping attacking it! He could perhaps heal his wounds and strengthen his position and, why not, comeback to the game!

In addition, after the first Winter Fury, each player will have around 20,000 gold, so you will be able to build lots of vehicles. And do it! Remember, the more vehicles you have, the more you can attack. And the more you attack, the more you charge your power barre. And the more you charge your power barre, the faster "Winter is coming"!

General tactical concept:
As usual, here we will talk about tactics. We will therefore talk about ideas that are not general (like the previous part, which will ALWAYS work), and where there are therefore situations in which it is not a good thing to apply this idea. It will be up to you to judge! Tactics is also something more "temporary" and "fast", where strategy is something "fixed" and "timeless".

1) In general, prioritize the capture route that goes fastest to the airport. Because helicopters are of great importance to Olaf, they allow him to quickly load his power bar. On the other hand, do not seek to have air traffic control. You will lose it against Eagle, against Max, against VB and even against Adder (but not against Sami, so against Sami, go for it!). This means using your helicopters more defensively than offensively and building a little but not too much. Generally speaking, you would no longer be the follower. This means that each time your opponent builds a helicopter, first build an AA and then on the next turn equalize the number of helicopters by also building one.

2) Do not fall behind in terms of the number of active tanks. This is important with lots of Commanders but even more with Olaf. At least, as long as you haven't loaded your power gauge too much. I would say that in general, once the 3 and a half stars are reached, you can consider the option of sacrificing tanks against lower units or making lower exchanges more often for you, just to be able to do the Winter Fury faster.

3) If you have 5 or 4 and a half stars, consider the option of sacrificing two helicopters to unlock your SCOP and thus use it. If you have 6 stars however, don't sacrifice your helicopters! It will be quite easy to make some slightly lower exchanges, but without too many losses, unlock the WF and use it, and re-attack behind but this time with boosted helicopters and weakened enemy tanks!

4) In the same way as for helicopters, Olaf is a good copycat. Do not hesitate to follow, at the beginning and at the beginning of mid game, the opposing construction in order to have the same units as him. The main reason is that most of the units do 55 damage on themselves, which greatly favors slightly "negative but not too much" trades if we add the defense of the terrain ect.

5) Against Max don't forget to make artillery, otherwise brute force will sweep you away. So against Max, do not apply the previous chameleon strategy too much.

6) Against Eagle you will have to use the Winter Fury in a much more offensive way. In fact most of Olaf's strategy falls apart against Eagle. You cannot slow push during the Winter Fury against him. Because what will happen is that he will wait for the end of the snow then he will double his units on each turn and finally make a big push and destroy Olaf! Remember that the main technique to beat Olaf is to destroy him in one hit.

7) Still against Eagle, prioritize the destruction of vehicles rather than that of the infantry. The fewer vehicles he has, the less powerful his SCOP will be. But don't hesitate to strike the infantry. I just recommend doing it less than against other COs.

Cool Examine carefully the placement of the opposing AA and helicopters before using your WF. Why ? Because once the snow is present, the AA will move only 3 spaces and the helicopter too. You can therefore take advantage of this drastically reduced movement to trap them and be able to attack them in the next round. For example, leave 4 spaces between one of your helicopters and an opposing helicopter, while attacking with, then do the Winter Fury. So your opponent will not be able to counter attack your helicopter with his. Adapt this against any CO having 2 bonus moves, since +1 move is useless in the snow! (Snow is funny, we have fun in the snow).
Likewise, you can protect your AA from tanks in the same way as above for helicopters. Just leave 4 or 5 spaces between AA and enemy tanks.

9) You can also apply the previous strategy more aggressively. For example if an AA is at 7 or 8 distance from one of your tanks, you can take advantage of the snow that will appear and bring your tank as close as possible to its AA to reduce the distance and thus destroy it during your next turn. For example if an AA is at 8 distance, bring your tank closer during Winter Fury to 6 from AA (while strike with it!) And thus the AA will be forced to fight because on a back of 3 spaces it will only be 5 spaces from your tank.
Your opponent can decide to invest units to shield the AA because he wants to keep it and thus believes he has won. Except that if he adds some of his units to shield it means that they will not be able to fight. So it will be retirement and again, the counter attack will be minimal. In addition, you can attack anyway during your next turn to charge the second Winter Fury.

10) Against Andy, NEVER use your SCOP at the END OF YOUR TURN! Andy will punish you by counterattacking and healing his units. (this also applies against Hawke, if you have enough confidence in your Olaf and in the map to play him in T1)

11) Against Andy, you must attack and destroy the maximum number of units in a single turn. Therefore, be sure to use your SCOP at the BEGINNING OF YOUR TURN (and only against Andy) and then sweep his poor defense of 8 hp!

12) Therefore, always against Andy, with Olaf you will always have the initiative. Because Andy can certainly heal his units but this is something very defensive. So he can't really threaten you if you have a good shield. If he uses his SCOP first, he will be able to do you some damage because of the bonus movement but you will then punish him by using your SCOP, since he will not be able to heal his units.
This means that Andy has to wait for Olaf to use his SCOP to use his, but the converse is not true.
As an Olaf, you can therefore move forward calmly and simply wait until you have enough units to be able to use Winter Fury and break its formation in ONE SINGLE TURN.
This is why, contrary to what one might think, Andy does not in any way counter Olaf. At least as standard. Because in HF, Andy obtains a new unexpected strategic weapon: the Mega tank. But I'm getting lost ...

13) Don't forget the legend. Write a little message to your opponent saying "Winter is coming!" to make the most of the 5% attack and defense.

Examples of specific strategies:
Here I will explain in detail my general game plan when I play Olaf. I'm not saying it's the best way to play it, but it can be a good example of applying the previous part on general strategies. You don't have to follow it, the important thing to understand is the section on general strategies.
And the most important thing to understand, is that when you play Olaf and whatever your game plan, everything will always revolve around the First Winter Fury. But above all, don't forget the "after" of this first Winter Fury. Because unlike Lighting Strike, Winter Fury does not by itself allow you to fold the game. It is his repeated uses combined with a consistency of play that will involve it.

Note: Did not believe that Olaf is played like Eagle, it is completely false. The Eagle SCOP has nothing to do with all the other SCOPs. We use it only once and after that either the game ends for Eagle, or it ends for his opponent.
There are two specific strategies I use, and they both vary depending on how the first Winter Fury is going to be used. To save time, I will write "FWF" for the first and "SWF" for the second.
The interval that can be considered is then:
[0; FWF] U [FWF; SWF] U [SWF; + inf]
And, whatever your strategy, you must cut your game plan on each of its sub intervals. What are you going to do in the interval [0; FWF]? And why ? Likewise for the other intervals. It is then enough to re-apply your initial strategy being on any interval by simply replacing FWF by SWF and SWF by TWF (third Winter Fury) and iterate until the game does not end.
Be creative! You will see that you would not look at Olaf the same way after that!

1. Le push 1917
The first step in this strategy is to cut the map in half. One part will be called the "weak side" and another will be called the "strong side".
-> To effectively choose which part is the strong / weak side, you just have to imagine a tank on each solo base and make it move towards the center. The part containing the bases where the tanks go the fastest will be the strong side, and the other part will be the weak side.
#Attention! # The strong side is not always the one containing the 2 bases on a map with 3 bases! In the same way the weak side is not necessarily the one containing a single base.
Once done, the principle will be sure to balance each part but by favoring indirect combat and withdrawal on your weak side and direct combat and aggression on the strong side.
#Attention! # This does not mean to do ONLY artillery on your weak side and ONLY tanks on your strong side. It's all a question of balance, but with a spicier dosage on one side than on the other!

-Before the FWF-
The goal will therefore be to progress on the strong side and to maintain the position on the weak side as much as possible. Then depending on how your opponent is positioned, transfer the units from the strong side to the side of the weak side through the center.
#Attention! # The converse is not true. Do not transfer units from your weak side to the side of your strong side.
This technique then allows Olaf to threaten to have more units on one side than on the other. But if you do not have sufficient control over the center, some transfers may be interrupted. Or if the map does not allow it.
Anyway, transferring the units from strong to weak (and not vice versa) will allow you to amplify what will follow and even sometimes reverse weak side and strong side after the FWF!

I will divide the things to do on the strong / weak side into two parts:

-Strong side- Your objective is to always have as many tanks as your opponent (or more) on this side of the map. You will therefore have to balance both in terms of constructions (each turn) and trades to always have, at least, the same number of tanks. Then, as soon as you can make equal trades do it. Once your COP is unlocked you can even make bad trades on this side. For example attacking a tank on a city with one of your tanks. Just to speed up the FWF.
On the other hand, do not trade with the infantry! Its very important !
The goal is to load your FWF. So if you trade inf / inf, this acceleration will be minimal. In addition, keeping the infantry on this side is extremely important, as you will not have many since it will usually only be tanks. And will be important for the SWF. So keep your infantry on this side at all costs!

-Weak side- Your goal is to stabilize the position. But don't hesitate to move on if you can! Here it is rather the reverse that will happen. Almost never make an equal trade (but do not hesitate to attack and punish a bad positioning, of course) and defend the cities at all costs! Keep your vehicles but do not hesitate to sacrifice your infantry against the opposing infantry, even if it is just to defend a city. In terms of construction, this side of the map will require at least two artillery, but it will be up to you to see depending on the situation. Do not forget to also have some tanks and AA to manage the helicopters. Go slowly but carefully. If you can't go ahead, don't go ahead. But always defend the cities. The longest time possible ! At all costs !
If your opponent is saving to be able to rocket and counter your artillery, do the same and build a rocket.
Remember that the strong side comes first in terms of construction. The weak side is a little "ask yourself but hold the cities. If we have reinforcements they will be for you only if the strong side does not need them". Good luck the resistance fighters!

-Turn of use of the FWF- On the strong side, do a big push, destroy everything you can. Attack, attack and attack. With the infantry kept properly, instantly threaten the capture of as many cities as possible. Take the distant one first and take the snow into account. On this side of the map, do the maximum damage. So hit the vehicles first. Also don't hesitate to 2HKO a tank on a city and place one of yours on it.
On the weak side, resist! Only do a slow push as much as possible. The aim is still to prevent the capture of cities. So, in the same way as before the FWF, there is a mirror in terms of target which is set up: snipe as much infantry as possible even if sometimes you can destroy tanks entirely. The goal is to destroy his infantry to the maximum so that he does not capture your cities, or at least that he takes as long as possible for that. Do not forget also to place your artillery which will not strike in a more offensive way, in particular to defend a city, and take into account the snow which will protect them.

-Before the SWF- Respond as fairly as possible if your opponent counterattacks. But normally, by applying this strategy, he will have great difficulty in counterattacking because of the snow and your unit composition. The indirect ones on the side of your weak side will be protected by snow (but also by the shield), which will make attack very difficult. In addition, as you snipe his infantry, he will not be able to capture the cities.
On the side of the strong side, normally you will have the upper hand in terms of unit value, since you have attacked its vehicles and yours are reinforced. And remember, snow will always be a thorn in its side.
Therefore, any consistent opponent will at least wait until the end of the snow. He will make a minimal counterattack. The next round, don't forget to finish capturing the cities and cleaning up the weak and abandoned units.
When his turn is over and your turn is over too, see how many stars separate you from the SWF. Depending on the number, do not hesitate to sacrifice helicopters or tanks to do it as quickly as possible.
The principle will then be to continue to apply this strategy, but this time, do not make a heavy unit on the side of your strong side (or arty). Make only fast units (minimum 6 movement). On the other hand, don't forget to spam as many helicopters as possible.
This time, there is no longer any question of being positional. You attack as soon as you can, also take bad trade like attacking a tank on a city or even a tank protected by artillery. The goal is to maintain the aggression on your strong side and to load your SWF AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.
On the side of your weak side, resist!
It is therefore important to note that your weak side will have very little reinforcement, and that before the SWF, it will hardly have any!
If your opponent makes a big push on your weak side, you will gain a lot of power bar and in addition he will not really have enough to capture your cities.
Apply this strategy until the SWF is used. Then if your opponent does not give up, continue. Until one of the two players says "GG".
Note: If your opponent tries to counter you by making indirects on the side of your strong side (to prevent you from charging your FWF), move your tanks from your strong side to your weak side and apply the previous strategy by reversing the sides! The weak side becomes the strong side and the weak side becomes the strong side! You will always be able to do it, because you have chosen as strong side, the side where your tanks go faster to the center (and yes, it was important !!). This means that if your opponent does not do the same and plays safe on the side of your strong side, he will not be able to reach the center before you. And the unit transfer will then be possible. Checkmate !

For an example of this strategy, you can watch these 2 videos:
(first part of the video)
(second part)

2. Le gambit d'Olaf
I generally use this strategy when the map allows it. This implies a fairly powerful center and where there are some cities. It is also necessary that the center and the sides are connected by any terrain having at least 1 star. The idea is to use the FWF more violently than usual and then move to one side or the other while preventing its opponent from doing the same. But this therefore implies more positional concessions than in the previous technique.
This strategy also allows the use of the Olaf COP, something that was not acceptable in the previous one. (considering the number of trades you will make and the speed with which it will be done)
In particular, on small maps or maps with only 2 bases, this starting strategy is often saving for Olaf because it gives him a solid base on which to focus his game.

-Before the FWF-
Make your capture phase normally, but oriented the most towards the center. That is, most of your infantry will need to be near the center once your first built vehicle is there too. This first vehicle will usually be a tank, but this can vary.
The goal is then to leave some infantries on the sides, just to defend a city (for example placing the infantry on a forest or mountain located 3 spaces from a city, to be able to attack in a disadvantage situation if the opponent place one of these men) and leave ONLY ONE vehicle (on each side). Generally these vehicles are artillery, but it can also be a freshly built tank.
If it is an artillery, it will be affiliated with the defense of a city and will not move. If it is a tank, it will either be assigned to the defense of a city on its side or replaced by another tank or artillery. If it is effectively replaced, it will have to go straight to the center and join the hard core of Olaf's army.
You understand, the goal is to fight for the center. And making some positional concessions on the sides so you can go faster, or as fast as your opponent, is absolutely not a problem. (hence the term "gambit")
The goal is to be in the center before or at the same time as your opponent, to prevent him from going further. Then strengthen your army only in the center therefore. You will never push on the sides. Only in the center.
Once the kindnesses made and some exchanges politely answered by the two players, the goal will be to load either the FWF or the COP of Olaf.
To do this, take a good look at the positioning of your opponent. If he grows on one side you will apply the following, if he does not grow on one side, you continue to trade in the center. But do not hesitate, also, to bring the 1 or 2 infantry on the sides and your artillery (or the tank, but it is better an artillery on each side when possible) to an isolated city to force your opponent to send a few units to protect it. Since you have artillery, he will be forced to send either one or two tanks, or a helicopter.
As soon as he does, you will attack in the center.
The idea of ​​this technique is that the famous secret passive of Olaf will help you to put pressure on your opponent. Because even if it wins in the center, it may be blocked to capture your cities and it may also lose the cities on the sides !

-Turn of use of the FWF- Everything will depend on your situation at the center.
If you can win using the FWF, then push like a moron. But this time no special target. Do not favor infantry or vehicles, it will be up to you. And threaten as many cities as possible, it is always very important to do so during the Winter Fury because it forces your opponent to counter attack, at least a little, in the WORST situation. Note also that this is why it is absolutely necessary to have a few footsoldiers with 10 life points. To threaten a capture in two turns and therefore force the opponent's immediate response. With 9 for example, he can wait for the snow to finish and then see.
On the other sides, abandon your position and make all your units converge in the center. Snow and mass damage will prevent your opponent from quickly taking your cities.
If you cannot win at the center even with the FWF. In this case, use it as soon as you can and counter attack on both sides with your infantry and artillery placed on the cover.
In addition, the keystone of this strategy is that you will split your army in two. All the army in the center will go either to one side or the other. Leave only some infantry in the center (who will not be able to go to the sides anyway) to defend the few captures that your opponent could threaten. Also take the opportunity to trade inf / inf if you can.

-Before the SWF-
The position has changed, you have conceded the center but you now dominate the other two sides. The aim of the game is now to push as much as possible on both sides simultaneously and continuously. Don't let your opponent recover from his injuries! You lose control of the center, but your opponent cannot take your cities for at least 3 turns! The goal is then to reinforce the 3 sides (counting the center) with your reinforcements and to trade whenever possible to unlock your SWF. In addition, you will normally have a small income advantage for at least 3 turns, so let's take this opportunity to maximize your income!
Also don't forget to do more helicopters (always do a lot of helicopters after the FWF, to unlock the second quickly since your opponent is forced to fight).
Continue to fight and chain Winter Fury until one of the two players does concede.
Note: Once you have split your army in half, DO NOT return to the center with it! The goal is, thanks to the snow, to take the initiative and to maintain it (indeed, because of the snow, your opponent will not be able to effectively separate his army in two, like you. In addition all his units will be weakened , so he'll have to fix them. Something he can't do if he sends them to fight straight away). Then to plunder the mass damage to weaken your opponent and especially his infantry, making it impossible to recapture your cities! Also note that you can apply this strategy using only the Olaf COP! Then replace FWF and SWF with "first COP" and "second COP". But only do it if you feel you have a good opportunity. Mass damage is still a priority. Besides, don't replace your FWF with your COP against Eagle! Never ! It will easily sweep you away once the snow has ended.

3. * Name of your technique *
(because you always have to give names to remember things more effectively)

It's your turn !!

Olaf is a very interesting Commander, more versed in strategy than in tactics. All his techniques will revolve around his SCOP which makes him a fairly remarkable character because he offers a simple base to understand, on which one can design his plan. Everything will be in the details of use of this famous SCOP.
Therefore he is also a very accessible character (unlike Adder). And it also offers no apparent weaknesses to its opponent, in terms of unit composition. This means that there is not really a particular case where Olaf is "really bad" but only cases where he is not "the best".
He is therefore a solid character on whom we can always count.
We often compare Eagle and Olaf, so I think I have to press one point: Olaf and Eagle are very different.
Even if they both have a strong SCOP, Eagle's is so gamebreaker that you can't compare it, even to Olaf's. This is the Fox of super smash bros melee (for connoisseurs) in terms of SCOP.
In addition, never forget that Winter Fury will only force your opponent to capitulate if the laps that follow the end of the snow do so.
What you need to understand is that Winter Fury is a kind of button allowing you to instantly gain the initiative. A STRONG initiative. But it is what you do with this initiative, which will effectively determine the name of the winner.
In conclusion, Olaf is the only Commander T2 in standard having no real "d2d" (I do not count its secret ability nor immunity to snow, which is more than normal) but which still manages to s 'hoist there by betting everything on his SCOP. By betting everything on the threat of invoking a storm, a hurricane, which will sweep away everything in its path.
And the threat of Winter freezes you with fear. Brrrrrrrrrr, tremble with fear, cringe, because WINTER IS COMING!

"A threat is stronger than its execution" (Emmanuel Lasker)


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Join date : 2018-01-16

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